2003 – Dr. Ad Bax, NIH and Professor Alex Pines, UC Berkeley

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“Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, Biology and Medicine”

Pictures from the 2003 Seaborg Symposium

At the Symposium, Before Lunch

“Thirty Years of Ups and Downs”
as narrated by Alex Pines of U.C. Berkeley

After the Break, Frank Anet Introduced
Peter van Zijl
Peter discusses “Exploiting the NMR Signals of Mobile Proteins & Peptides for MRI”

11:30 a.m.
Ann McDermott
gave the last talk before lunch. Her topic:
“NMR Studies of Intrinsic Membrane Proteins”

The Alumni Lunch

Events After Lunch

Lewis Kay, University of Toronto, discusses
“NMR Approaches for the Study of Protein Structure & Dynamics”

After Lewis’ talk: Lewis Kay, Alex Pines, Peter van Zijl and Wayne Hubbell

After Robert Clubb introduced her, Dorothee Kern from Brandeis, gives the 4:00 p.m. talk “Enzymes in Action in the NMR Tube: Protein Dynamics during Catalysis”

Gerhard Wagner describes “NMR Approaches for Studying Proteins Involved in Gene Expression”

After the Symposium, people cluster

At the Seaborg Dinner